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Family Sponsorship

Spouse, Partner or children

IRCC made big changes regarding family sponsorship because family reunification is a key immigration commitment for the Government of Canada. IRCC is speeding up processing for spousal sponsorship applications within a 12-month time frame. Your spouse or partner may be eligible for an open work permit while they are waiting for their application to be processed.

Please see the flow charts below how you apply to sponsor your spouse, partner or children and contact us when you’re interested in this program.

1. Consult your eligibility

2. Complete the application + pay fees / Submit your application

3. IRCC send instructions / create an online account

4. Link your application to your account

5. Get updates & message about your application online

6. Police certificates+ medical exam + photo

7. Approved as a sponsor/Invitation to apply for PR within 90 days

8. Approved the PR application / Confirmation of PR

Spouse, Partner or children

Application process for your parents or grandparents has been changed in January 2017. The online submission form to show your interest in sponsoring a parent or grandparent is closed as of February 2, 2017. However, you will have a chance to submit online submission for your parent or grandparent in early 2018. IRCC will randomly choose 10,000 people to apply every year.

Closed as of February 2, 2017 / Choose 10,000people to apply every year

1. Consult your eligibility

2. Online submission

3. Review the submissions / randomly choose 10,000 people

4. If chosen, 90 days to send your complete application

5. Submit additional documents

6. Approved the PR application / Confirmation of PR

Adopted children & other relatives

If you sponsor your adopted children or a relative to come to Canada as a permanent resident, you must:

  • be able to meet basic needs – such as food, clothing and shelter – for yourself and your relative,

  • support your relative financially when he or she arrives, and

  • make sure your spouse or relative does not need to ask for financial help from the government.

1. Consult your eligibility

2. Apply to sponsor your relative:

Your sponsorship application + PR application for your relative at the same time + pay fees

3. Approved your sponsorship + Confirmation of PR

I am sponsoring my spouse or partner who is in Canada. Can they work while their application is being processed?
  • Yes, but only if your spouse or partner has a work permit.

  • If your spouse applied, or wants to apply, under the Spouse or Common-Law Partner in-Canada Class, he or she can apply for an open work permit.

  • If you live in Quebec, your spouse or partner also need to get a Québec Acceptance Certificate (CAQ) from the Quebec government.

  • To apply for an open work permit, please contact us.

  • Remember that while your spouse or partner’s permanent residence application is being processed, he or she must:

Maintain legal status as a visitor, student or worker in Canada, and

Wait for their work permit application to be approved before starting to work.

How long will it take to process my spousal sponsorship application?
  • If you applied before December 7, 2016

IRCC committed to processing most (80 percent) of the applications they’ve already received as of December 7, 2016, by the end of December 2017. IRCC said they process applications in the order they get yours.

  • If you haven’t applied yet or applied after December 7, 2016

IRCCsaid they will aim to process most (80 percent) of the new applications submitted on or after December 7, 2016, within 12 months of the date of receipt.


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